CHURCH of GOD o Chicago -Midwest Edition CHURCH of GOD o Chicago -Midwest Edition Volume 3, Issue 1 January, 1964 Spirit of Philadelphia Pervades Ministers' Meetings by Dean C. Blackwell "Of mine own self I can do nothing," stated Jesus Christ Himself when He walked this earth nineteen hundred and thirty-odd years ago. This same spirit of "thou hast a little strength" (Rev. 3: 8) was apparent to everyone in attendance with each prayer, discussion, and decision. We all recognized that unless Christ were there in Spirit as the Head of His Church, then this would be just another meeting of a group of men with their own opinions, ideas, and vanities. Each prayer reminded us that 'in the flesh dwells no good thing." and yet as long as we yield to Christ and trusting in His power to accomplish, then "we can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens us." This "spirit of the Philadelphians" saturated the Apostles minds and also was the key to their yieldedness, and consequent power and usefulness " why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power OR HOLINESS WE had made this man to walk? Pastor of the Chicago area churches. The God of Abraham ... has glorified His Son Jesus (not the Apostles) "Acts 3: 12-13. We recognized that God does require certain qualifications and traits in His ministers and gives the spiritual talents "according to their several ability" or natural ability to handle and use them properly, but the key nevertheless is summed up in Christ's caution, "he who abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruits for WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING" -John 15 :5. The spirit of brotherly love was also outstanding during these meetings as (Co ntinued on page 3) ORDINATIONS INAUGURATE AND HIGHLIGHT MINSTERS' CONFERENCE! Twenty-one Elders, Australian Deacon Ordained by Dean C. Blackwell The ministerial conference this year began in a unique way and with a BANG! Mr. Armstrong announced that two Evangelists, seventeen Pastors, one Preaching Elder, and one Local Elder were to be ordained in these same meetings on the next afternoon, Wednesday, January 8th. For the first time in a millenium and a half, the pyramid of God's government would be back in shape and balance. The truth of God's government in His church was made known anew in 1954 to this Philadelphian era of His true church. Even though every rank within this system was filled in January of 1955 at the very first ministerial conferences, the proper percentage in each rank has not been balanced out until this January. For the first time since probably during the Apostolic age, we now have more Local Elders than Preaching Elders, and more Pastors than Evangelists. With the new ordinations we now have twelve Evangelists, twentyone Pastors, twel!ty-two Preaching EIders, and thirty-seven Local Elders. As you all can see, the main need to more properly balance the pyramid is for more Local Elders to work under the minister within each church and area. Truly we need to be able to follow Paul's advice to the Evangelist Titus "ordain Elders in every city, as I had appointed you" -Titus 1 :5. As Mr. Armstrong explained, an ordination in God's Church is not a reward for work done, nor a special reco!!nition that a man has reached the beginning of a new plateau of greater service to God. This means a man has reached the minimum requirements for a new and greater work for God, and that God is going to hold him accountable and judge him as having the natural talents, to which He can add the spiritual talents, to fulfill this higher job. With the prayers of all God's people then, we shall be able to fulfill these higher callings. (Continued on page 2) Shown with Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Pastor General (center), a,e Evangelists in God's Work. At left is Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong, at right is Mr. Roderick C. Meredith. Next row, left to right: Mr. Wayne Cole, Dr. C. Paul Meredith, Mr. Gerald Waterhouse, and Mr. Raymond Cole. Top row: Dr. Herman L. Hoeh, Mr. Albert Portune, Mr. Norman Smith, and the two newly-ordained Evangelists, Mr. Charles Hunting, and Mr. Dean Blackwell. (Not pictured is Mr. Raymond McNair). ~HURCH of GOD -....... ... J/leWJ Editor·in·Chief ................Dean Blackwell Editor ·····.................................Wilbur Ball News Editor ........................Kenneth Ellis REPORTERS Dick Alexander Emma Lasocha Elisha Crim Gene Scarbrough Elaine Tkach Lyle Vershowske Fred Mancewicz Victor Johnson John Freel David Shell Edward Rudicel Esterlene Holmes Roland Van Slooten James Howell Circulation ........................Gene Madison Hope Brassine Business Manager ..................Ted Efimov Art ..........................................lohn Moore Food Advisor ......................Kenneth May Photographer ..................Robert Einerson Wilbur Vandermolen General Staff Grace Sienkiewicz Winifred Keough· Dwyer © 1964 by Radio Church of God Add~ess all correspondence to the Editor. Published . monthly by Chicago, South Bend, Mmneapolis, Cincinnati Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and Bloomington Spokesman Clubs. Notify us immediately of any change of address. Circulation over 1900 (Continued from page I) Ordained as Evangelists were Mr. Charles Hunting, Business Manager of the London Office, Pastor of the Bristol church, instructor and counselor at Ambassador College in England, and Mr. Dean Blackwell, District Superintendent of the Northern Midwest and Ordained as Pastors were Mr. Dean Wilson, Manager of the Canadian Office and Minister of the Vancouver British Columbia church; Mr. Jame~ Friddle, Pastor of the Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, churches; Mr. Dale Hampton, Eugene and Medford, Oregon, churches; Dr. Charles Dorothy, Ambassador College and San Bernardino, California, church; Mr. Ronald Kelly, Ambassador College; and El Monte, California church; Mr. Dibar Apartian, a French broadcast speaker and Director of French work; Dr. Clint Zimmerman, Director of letter answering and Bakersfield, California, church; Mr. Burk McNair, Pastor of Denver and Pueblo, Colorado, churches; Mr. Roger Foster, Pastor of Wichita and Liberal, Kansas, churches; Mr. Kenneth Swisher, District Superintendent of the South, Pastor of Gladewater, Texas, and Minden, Louisiana, churches; Mr. David Antion, Pastor of Tulsa and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mr. Leroy Neff, Business Manager in Texas and faculty member, minister in the area; Mr. John D. Hammer, Pastor of Corpus Christi and San Antonio, Texas, churches; Mr. Bill Mc- CAMPUS HUMMING WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY by Dean C. Blackwell "One day you see it, the next day you don't" was the story of three buildings standing in the way of progress on the Ambassador College campus during the ministers' conferences. - Never in eleven years have I seen the campus so alive with a beehive of construction activity. -There were your sons who attend God's college contributing their parts to Ambassador's growth. In the thirtieth year of Christ's life He began to reveal himself to the world, and in the beginning of our thirtieth year, city and county officials in both Pasadena and Bricket-wood were amazed at the plans and growth of these unique colleges, as they toured the properties. And yet, as Mr. Armstrong unbelievably stated a few years ago, the college campus has been worth the expense and effort if it obtains for us through its impressiveness one val (Colllinued 0 11 Page 5, Col. I) In South Bend Scarlet are: (back row) Mr. James Hosterman, Frank McCrady, Jr., Wil To· pash, Mr. Donald Smith, Mr. Don DeBoy; (2nd row) Vaughn Haynes, Randy Fritts, Dale Haynes; (1st row) leroy Harmon. In White, the laGrange team consisted of: (back row) Mr. Dean Blackwell, Mr. Will Ball, Mr. Allen Manteufel, Jack Pyle; (front row) Mr. Martin Filippello, Mr. J. H. Davison, Mr. John Coco. Dowell, Pastor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Akron, Ohio, churches; Mr. Ernest Martin, Faculty member of Ambassador College, London, and Manchester, England, minister; and Mr. Donald Dart, faculty member in Ambassador College in England and minister in the area. Ordained as a Preaching Elder was ~r. Rea's right-hand-man in the SpanIsh work and minister under him in the Birmingham, England, church, Mr. Leon Walker. Ordained as a Local Elder was Mr. Blackwell, your Pastor's brother, of the North Hollywood and Santa Barbara churches. Wonderful news also was made when another Deacon from Australia was ordained, Mr. Trevor Higgins, an exfood industries man and great servant of the Sydney church. LAGRANGE STOPS SOUTH BEND WINNING STREAK by Ken Ellis The South Bend basketball team lost for the first time this season to a sharpshooting, team-playing LaGrange five. The contest was hard-played and exciting for the spectators that Sunday morning, December 29th, in Chicago's Lawndale Park gym. South Bend drew first points as Mr. James Hambrock scored, but by the end of the first quarter were losing 20-16. South Bend never recaptured the lead. At the half it was 38-28 but the 10-point difference was cut down several times in the last half. South Bend had tightened its man-to-man defense but even so Mr. Dean Blackwell was able to drive through for the first score after the half-time rest period. By the end of the 3rd quarter it was South Bend 46, LaGrange 56. The 4th quarter saw some really fast action as Mr. Don DeBoy, S.B. Forward, started to intercept passes and really hit from way-out-and-over the LaGrangers zone defense. The S.B. Center, Don Smith, who must be about 6' 5", was a hard man to beat on the backboards. But all the Hoosier team could do was to no avail against fast breaks by Mr. Blackwell and Mr. Will Ball and against the constant accuracy of Forward, Mr. Allen Manteufel, who wound up the game's top scorer with 30 points! Mr. Blackwell was the second highest scorer of the game. He constantly poured on the steam and racked up 22 points. Mr. Jack Pyle and Mr. Ball scored 12 points each for the LaGrangers. The South Bend individual scores were Mr. DeBoy 16: Donald Smith, 14; Mr. Hambrock and Dale Haynes, 12 each; Wil Topash, 8; Frank McCrady, Jr., 6. We were happy to see Mr. Frank McCrady, Sr., who coaches the South Bend five. Referees were Mr. Dave Shell and Mr. Robert Marshall, who are regular players on the Chicago team. The final score was LaGrange 76, South Bend 70. We certainly wish all could have been out to see this thriller! Jump BaIl! Spirit of Philadelphia Pervades Ministers' Meetings WEDDING (Continued from Page 1) concerned conversation exchanged with On the afternoon of December 25, God's ministers dwelt together in harmony, appreciation of each other's j'obs and learnings, and correction of one another. My wife and I had the privilege of living with Mr. and Mrs. Roderick C. Meredith, along with Mr. Gerald W~terhouse and Mr. Bill Quillen, Local Elder of the Denver church. We had several luncheon and evening visits together, and especially appreciated the opportunity of learning all about God's work in Africa; its growth, trials, problems and future through God's work through Mr. Waterhouse. Also the growth, plans, problems and potential in this district were discussed at length into the overworked but eager ear of the U.S. field superintendent, Mr. Meredith. Mr. Allen Manteufel and his wife were accompanieq on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tkach, Chicago Local Elder. The Tkach's stayed with the student body President of last year and ex-quadruple-paraplegic now working at Headquarters, Mr. Howard Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Manteufel stayed with one of the Pasadena Deacons, Mr. Dukes. Mr. and Mrs. McMichael, minister of the Minneapolis and Sioux Falls churches stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shurter on campus. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Filipello, LaGrange Local Elder, travelled to the conference with the McMichaels, with two Sabbaths spent in Minneapolis enroute. Mr. Raymond Roenspies, LaGrange Local Elder, enjoyed the trip out with Mr. and Mrs. George Meeker, the Milwaukee minister, and stayed in the dormitory with his son and Ambassador student, David. The Meekers also stayed with Mr. Howard Clark. Mr. Frank McGrady, Elkhart and Grand Rapids minister, stayed in the home of the ex-minister from the same area, Mr. and Mrs. Lester McColm. You can imagine the interesting and Campus Humming with Construction ... (Continucd from P agc 2) ued fifty-thousand watt station. This would more than offset and balance the value of one Ambassador campus. Yes, a combination gymnasium, assembly room, and social center will soon stand on these properties where we saw three houses disapear in three days. The student body is now having to assemble either outdoors or in a re-done warehouse. Surely some of us as members of God's church have been building our own houses instead of God's college as did King Solomon (Continued on Page 4, Col. 1) their families; the former with his parents in Long Beach, both Deacon and Deaconess in that church, and the latter with his father-and-mother-inlaws, he also a Deacon in the Pasadena church. Warm visiting dominated every luncheon, dinner and evening as God's ministers set the pace of Philadelphia -brotherly love. A certain deacon and his brother. The deacon, at age 6, is on your right. Guess who ?? Last month's deacon was Mr. Fred Mancewicz. j::m ge-f:~lng off the s,x: bloc.ks. 1.f ~OLl stand here \:tau. might get m~ seat. ~ C Doeslnr. real!y know. 1963, Allen C. Bush and the former Kay 1. Halle of the LaGrange Church, were united in marriage by God, through Mr. Dean C. Blackwell. The double ring ceremony took place in LaGrange, Ill., where they now reside. Mrs. Jack Schurr introduced the ceremony with a piano prelude followed by two selections sung by Miss Rose Keisling. The bride wore a snow white velvet gown with a lace mantilla veil and carried a small bouquet of red roses. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and punch were served by Mrs. Alfred Burkland and Mrs. Elmer Peterson to approximately 65 guests who had gathered to witness this happy climax of a six-month courtship. bus THREE IN LOCAL AREA MADE DEACONS r:: TEA HELD FOR MRS. BLACKWELL Mrs. Dean Blackwell was honored at a tea held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Tkach on Sunday, December 29th. Approximately 80 ladies attended the Open House, showing their respect and appreciation for the wife of the Superintendent over this area. Highlighting the afternoon was the presentation of a gift of money from the Churches, which was a surprise for Mrs. Blackwell. Mrs. Tkach and Mrs. Joseph Schlitt, deaconesses, and the wives of the Chicago and LaGrange deacons prepared_ the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Blackwell. Mr. Blackwell was ordained an Evangelist in God's Church on January 8, 1964. Z ~ 0 - - Q Eo; ... ~ .f!l - - Eo; ~ Q ~ I:Z ~ ~ .~ = Eo; ~Eo; 00 - M 0 00 ..c: ...,. ~~ .... III .If ~~ 0\ ~ 09 Eo; = 00 I: =~ =~ ~ UO ~ ~ ~ '" III ef ~ ==t.-' S~ S~ f") ... f") u= u= f") ~ u by Dick Alexander and Jim Howell The final Sabbath of 1963 was a big day in the lives of the Chicago and LaGrange Church members. Three new deacons were ordained -two at LaGrange and one at Chicago. Ordained to the rank of deacon during the Chicago service was Mr. Phillip Fowler. Currently he is president of the Monday evening Spokesman Club. His fine example of enthusiasm and service to his brethren has certainly been rewarded. Now he has the opportunity to serve even more. Although he was ordained at Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and Roy, Rhona and Robin regularly attend the LaGrange services. Mr.Edward Karwacki and Mr. George Gibbs were also chosen to be servants of all as in Matthew 23: 11, "But he that is greatest among you, shall be your servant." Mr. and Mrs. Karwacki and their children, John, Kathleen and Colleen, started attending God's True Church in 1956. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibbs and their children, Rhonda, Brenda and Trina, came into God's truth in January of 1959. Since coming into God's Church, both Mr. and Mrs. Karwacki and Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs have truly been servants of all in their giving of their time and effort to God's work and in helping others in God's Church. We all rejoice that God has chosen these men to serve Him. CAMPUS HUMMING WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (Continued from Page 3) 'So he was seven years in building it" his own house twice as large and al( God's house), 1 Kings 9:00,15. But most twice as long in construction as "Solomon was building his own house God's house? thirteen years" -1 Kings 6: 39 and Are we laying up treasure in heaven Kings 7: 1. As members of God's by the use of our money or mammon, Church, too many of us have proven or selfishly spending much more on where our heart is by not having our ourselves and finding fault with the treasure in God's work and house and beauty of God's own college and college, but instead in our own desires grounds? See what God has promised and ambitions. Remember Christ King David because of his love for warned us that "where your treasure the things of God and unselfishness is, there will your heart be also" -"he shall build a house for my name, Matt. 6:21. and I will stablish the throne of his God's college and our college needs kingdom forever" -2 Sam. 7: 13. a new dining hall, a large assembly Will that also be your eternal home and and church building for God's headdwelling place? Or will you continue quarters church in which Christ could to trust in your physical surroundings dwell spiritually. This would also be while ignoring God's college and work a great boon to God's headquarters in and its needs and go into oblivion with winning our way into more radio stayour possessions? Let's get to work tions and favor with business dealings building God's dwelling places and in general. Can we prov!!that we have secure for ourselves eternal habitations the heart of our father David, who is in His kingdom. soon to rule all Israel right here on · .......................... . this earth? Notice where his heart was -"the king said to Nathan the Because much of this issue is prophet, See now, I dwell in an house devoted to news of the recent • of cedar, BUT the ARK OF GOD • ministerial conference, the Learn dwells within curtains" -2 Sam. 7:2. • the Bible by Chapter will be enHave we proven this to be our attitude : closed with the next paper. by our fruits, or are we not much more like seHish Solomon in his building of · .......................... .